Meeting Tuesday - Invite a Prospective Member!!
July 2, 2013: We are honored today to welcome Andreas Rosler, the Immediate Past President of the Rotary Club of Zeitz, Germany, his wife Sieglund, and his two children, as guests of Margo Christensen. Herr Rosler is visiting our city this week to experience the World's Oldest Rodeo and is our guest of honor on a parade float featuring the new Prescott/Zeitz Sister City Association and other area sightseeing.
Our speaker today is John Mactin, Area Leader for Young Life. Young Life is an organization of adults concerned enough about kids to go to them, on their turf and in their culture, building bridges of authentic friendship. These relationships don't happen overnight — they take time, patience, trust and consistency.
Young Life leaders log many hours with kids around the world — where they are, as they are. Leaders faithfully attend football practices in the Minneapolis suburbs, mingle with teenagers at a mall in Stockholm and play pick-up soccer with former child-soldiers in Liberia. We listen to their stories and learn what’s important to them because we genuinely care about their joys, triumphs, heartaches and setbacks.
For more information, go to