Business of the Year - Nomination Deadline 10/1/14
At our last meeting Tim Wiederanders from the Prescott Sunup Club told us that they are going to honor a Business of the Year. Many area businesses may be deserving of this honor, but they can't win if they are not nominated! To qualify, a business would have:
1. made a significant contribution to the Prescott area in 2013-2014;
2. completed outstanding community involvement, volunteerism, service to and/or promotion of the community and/or its economic health or image - exemplifying Rotary's Four Way Test and the Rotary Business Code of Ethics;
3. made an outstanding contribution to the club and/or community.
The business does NOT need to be a member of a Rotary Club. To nominate a deserving business, contact Tim at to get a nomination form. All nominations MUST BE RECEIVED by Wednesday, October 1st.