Committee Chair Needed!
Posted by Jane Bristol
on Oct 01, 2012
Our Club needs someone to step forward and chair the Rotary Foundation Committee for the 2012-2013 year. Our current chair, Bill Baker, needs to step down. Here are suggested duties for this committee.
- One of the committee’s responsibilities is educating club members about The Rotary Foundation. When Rotarians understand how the Foundation changes people’s lives, they are eager to participate in its programs and support them financially.
- Club programs. Work with the club president and club administration committee to schedule a program on The Rotary Foundation each quarter.
- Participation in grants. Encourage club members to get involved in Foundation grants by planning or volunteering for a project or working with another Rotary club on a joint project. Participation in Foundation grants can make your club more attractive to new members.
- Weekly thought. Presenting a Rotary Foundation thought at the beginning of each club meeting will allow club members to hear about the Foundation from different perspectives.
- Foundation seminars. Encourage club members to attend the district Rotary Foundation seminar to learn about the Foundation and how they might get involved.
If anyone is interested in this leadership opportunity, please see President Jane.