Your Support in Action

Your Support in Action![]() Frontier Rotary Charitable Fund gave $2,000 to the Prescott High School Band Boosters toward their "New Uniforms" fundraising goal. They need to raise $40,000-$50,000 to replace their 20 year old Uniforms. Your support of Frontier Rotary's fundraising events allows us to help great local programs like this. If you would also like to help the band get new uniforms, contact Jennifer Lacey, President of the Band Boosters Club. |
Honoring Our Veterans![]() Prescott Frontier Rotary Club joined Prescott Sunup Rotary Club and Rotaractors from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in the Veteran's Day Parade honoring local veterans. We handed out flags; red, white, and blue bead necklaces; and shook hands with Veterans thanking them for their service. ![]() |
Club Recognizes Gold Star Mothers DayFor three consecutive years, Prescott Frontier Rotary Club has recognized Gold Star Mothers Day. Beautiful floral bouquets donated by Allan’s Florals were delivered by Frontier Rotarians to the
Gold Star Mothers’ homes and the Prescott Valley VFW Post 10277 during their luncheon on Saturday, September 29th. Fifteen Gold Star Mothers were recognized for their loss of sons & daughters. We will always remember & honor our fallen heroes. |
New Board of Directors for the 2024-2025 Rotary YearThe Prescott Frontier Rotary Club is pleased to announce its Board of Directors for the 2024-2025 Rotary Year. The new board is committed to upholding the club's core values of service, fellowship, diversity, integrity, and leadership while continuing its mission of "Making a Difference for Prescott's Kids and Beyond." The 2024-2025 Prescott Frontier Rotary Club Board of Directors includes:
"We are excited to welcome this talented and dedicated group of individuals to our Board of Directors," said Earl Moss, Past President of the Prescott Frontier Rotary Club. "Their passion for service and commitment to our community will be invaluable as we continue to positively impact the lives of children and families in Prescott and beyond." The Prescott Frontier Rotary Club is a vibrant and active organization that brings together community leaders and volunteers who share a passion for service. The club's diverse membership reflects the rich tapestry of the Prescott community, and its members are committed to making a difference through a wide range of service projects and initiatives. "Our club is built on a foundation of service, fellowship, and community engagement," said Katheryn Tuberty, President of the Prescott Frontier Rotary Club. "We are proud of the work we have done to support our community, and we are excited to continue our mission of making a difference in the lives of those we serve." Prescott Frontier Rotary meets every Tuesday at noon at Mi Tierra Restaurant at 1317 E Gurley St, Prescott, AZ. It provides community leaders with an opportunity to serve and benefit the entire community. Rotarians promote high ethical standards, fellowship, and goodwill globally. The club's signature event, Grapes-4-Good, is September 29 at Watters Garden Center. Last year, the club raised $95,000 to support education, strong business ethics, better communities, ending polio, and improved high school and college leadership skills. We enjoy the garden fun while supporting children in our community. About Prescott Frontier Rotary Club The Prescott Frontier Rotary Club is a local chapter of Rotary International, a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe in our communities and ourselves. The Prescott Frontier Rotary Club is dedicated to serving the Prescott community through various service projects and initiatives, focusing on supporting the needs of children and families.
July's Service ProjectAnnual cleanup of the Cowboy at Rest Statue on south side of Courthouse Plaza - Goodwin St 10 Rotarians and spouse/partner participated in this years facelift. |
Rotary Food Sort a Huge SuccessThe Frontier Club participated in a Food Drive Sort at the Walmart store on Iron Springs Rd. in Prescott on Feb. 17, 2024. Everyone seemed to have a great time doing this service project. The results were fabulous as we sorted a large quantity of cans, rice and pasta that will be distributed to those local citizens in need. A big shout out goes to all the Rotarians, their family members and many Interactors that gave up their time to help out. ![]() ![]() |
2021 GRAPES FOR GOOD![]() |
Rotary Brightens Senior Holidays
Rotary International is the only organization whose core mission is 'World Peace.' Rotary is a weekly gathering of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, business leaders, and community problem-solvers that unite people. Making a lasting change across the globe, our country, and right here in Prescott, Arizona. In Prescott, this all starting in the 1980s by supporting struggling school children by creating the Prescott Frontier Rotary Summer Math and Reading Clinic partnering with PUSD schools. Thousands of kids have gone through the program that lifts their skills before school each Fall. Dolly Parton's Imagination Library extends Rotary's work in Prescott. "We have funded 500 newborns' with monthly books until age six. These are physical books that increase literacy before these kids ever enter a schoolhouse," says Mary Fusinski, a local realtor and club president. Food by the thousands was collected earlier this year when the Navajo Nation was hit by COVID so hard. Rotarians personally drove the caravan of food to Windowrock and a grateful nation. Globally an end of Polio is our next quest with clean drinking water for everyone on the planet. These are ambitious goals, but it all starts locally when Prescott Frontier Rotary meets for lunch to hear local needs. Ken Lain, Watters Garden Center and past president, "We welcome community members into the club. You just need a heart for your community, our nation, and the globe, plus like to hang out weekly with fascinating community leaders." We meet Tuesdays from 12-1:30 pm at the Prescott Resort and Conference Center. |
Navajo Nation Drive a Success!A caravan of 10 Rotarians from Prescott traveled the 7-hour journey to Windowrock to personally deliver 38,000-pounds of food and cleaning supplies. Jonothan Nez, Navajo Nation President, personally received the supplies from a grateful people. Prescott Frontier Rotary saw a need and went into action collected food and cleaning supplies. With just 3% of the state’s population, the Navajo people represent 25% of the Novel Coronavirus cases, and the death toll is rising. The problem is compounded by the remote access with 15,000 homes without electricity, 30% have no running water, all without access to a 9-1-1 safety system? It started on Friday as the word spread. Prescott U-Haul gave their largest truck, and the first day, it was apparent a second truck was needed because of all the cleaning supplies and food being dropped off. “It was so emotional witnessing the generosity,” said Mike Payson, head of Rotary service projects. “I heard so often people didn’t need their government stimulus money, so they donated it to the cause. We collected over $11,000 in checks above the food last weekend.” Over 47 Rotarians worked to gather donations collected at Watters Garden Center. “We couldn’t have done this without Watters,” says Mary Fusinski, 2020 club president. “Ken Lain and his team put us right in front of the store, you couldn’t miss the food drive. They donated their time, lots of shelving and racks to store all that food, thank you, Watters.” Ten Rotarians, six tanks of gas, two blown tires, and seven hours of coffee later, the delivery team was delighted. “We arrived in Windowrock to find over 50 national guards ready to receive donations. What took us 3 days to load, took soldiers 3 hours to unload, WOW!” said Bob Joslyn, driver, and Rotarian. “We left Prescott at 8 am and didn’t get back until after midnight, but it was so worth the trip.” Prescott Frontier Rotary rallies around a monthly service project culminating in a signature school fundraiser ‘Grapes 4 Grapes’.Because of this month’s service project, the Navajo people are safer. Pinterest Board of the Navajo Food Drive. Globally, Rotary’s goal is to stamp out Polio and provide clean drinking water to every person on the planet. It’s the only organization that has ‘World Peace’ as a mission statement through its international student exchange programs. Brandon Montoya, past president says, “We welcome community members into the club. You just need a heart for your community, our nation, and the globe, plus like to hang out weekly with fascinating people.” Starting July 7, Prescott Frontier Rotary meets for lunch every Tuesday from 12 to 1 pm at the Prescott Resort. They meet via Zoom until then; if you want more information, please join us via Zoom @ |
Food Drive a Success!Prescott Frontier Rotary Food Drive a Success! Prescott Frontier Rotary hits it out of the park, again! Under the direction of Mike Payson we conducted a Food Drive and collected donations for the Community Cupboard on the weekend of May 15th . It took 3 full pickups and part of a van to transport and estimated 3000 pounds of non perishable food for distribution. Additionally, $6,000 was raised in checks and cash. Many of these donations came from 2 weeks of meeting Happy Bucks and the Foundation matching that. Special THANKS to the donation points of Watters Garden Center and Olsen's Grain, the members who worked hard to make it a success and the Community who really stepped up and participated in supporting the Club in this much needed project. Mike Payson, Service Project Chairman is looking for ideas for community service projects that the Club can do in the near future. Please let me know any thoughts on who we might collect for. Please send him any suggestions you might have at |
Rotary Clubs Gather at Courthouse Steps to Care for MemorialsRotary Clubs Gather at Courthouse Steps to Care for Memorials Rotary Clubs Gather at Courthouse Steps to Care for Memorials Rotary International is known best for their tireless work to eliminate Polio from the planet, and clean drinking water for every human on earth, but this weekend two Prescott clubs gather on the courthouse steps to serve our local community. On Saturday, May 18th at 7:30 am, both the Sunup Rotary and Prescott Frontier Rotary clubs gathered their members to clean up, polish, and care for two memorials on the Courthouse Plaza. The Sunup club will care for the All Veterans Memorial by Neil Logan, that honors Prescott area veterans of the Vietnam War. Prescott Frontier club will do the same for the Cowboy at Rest, the Equestrian statue by Borglum at the Courthouse. Both clubs join forces to repaint railings, wax the bronze, clean marble and replant the gardens around each memorial with the help of Watters Garden Center.
The Rocky Point Service Project![]() |
Leadership Institute
Grapes for Grades a BIG Success![]() A record-breaking net income of over $54,000 was raised during last year's Grapes for Grades This year's June event will be rescheduled to a future date. Watch for the upcoming announcement of the new date. Thank You to all our generous attendees, sponsors and donors! |
INTERACT Gift of Mobility![]() |
Thinking About Rotary??Why should YOU join this Rotary Club? A few of the reasons are: Friendship, Business Development, Personal Growth and Development, Leadership Development, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the World, and FUN! Join us as a guest on any Tuesday of the month and if you like what you see, ask for a membership packet. You can also contact Membership Chair Linda Sweeney by clicking on the email link on this home page. If you are just starting out in the local business world, or you are a seasoned veteran, you should be a Rotarian! |
Get Your Tickets from Noel DeSousa TODAY!![]() |
MEMBERSHIP DRIVE![]() Jake Carlson, Membership Committee Chairman, announced an exciting new membership drive at last week's meeting:
From now till the end of October, we will be having a friendly competition to bring guests to Rotary. Every time you bring a new guest, you will receive one free strip of 3 tickets for the drawing. Also, you will receive one entry into a raffle which we will hold after the contest is over. The prize is yet to be determined, but is guaranteed to be AWESOME! Bring a few guests and let them experience our great group of quality Rotarians.
Be sure to introduce yourselves to new guests and include them in your table conversations!
Self Defense Classes Available![]() Professor Mark Bryans of Real World Self Defense has spoken to our club several times, and has passed along information that may be of interest to you or your loved ones.
1. Stick Fighting Course on Saturday, August 22nd from 9:00am to 11:00am, Location is Champions Gym, 22 Kijidava, Prescott. This is off SR89 and the Yavpe Connector. Cost is $65. In this class, students learn to wield a club, baton, simple walking stick, and a length of wood or metal pipe to effectively stop a criminal assailant and perhaps save your life.
2. Ladies Self Defense, Monday, August 31st, 4:00 to 6:00 PM, same location. Cost is $55. In this class, students learn personal security and protective tactics, build confidence, cultivate the combat mindset, and learn methods of striking effectively with hands, elbows, knees, and feet.
CLUB ASSEMBLY TODAY!![]() Our signature event can always be improved! Be sure to show up today with all your input about our 2015 event, as well as constructive ideas to make it even better in 2016. Hear a report from Noel DeSousa on the event's financial performance.
On A Sad NoteAs seasonal residents, we have enjoyed the company of Homer and Virginia Willard for several years now. It was announced last week that they have sold their condo in Prescott and will be spending their summers full-time in the Phoenix area. If you would like to drop them a line, Homer's email address is We all wish them well.
District Conference![]() The Rotary District 5490 Conference was held May 15-16 in Phoenix. Our Club was honored to receive these awards:
* Outstanding Assistant Governor: Noel DeSousa
* Ethics Initiative Award: Prescott Frontier Club
* Presidential Citation Award: Prescott Frontier Club
Congratulations to everyone on a very good Rotary Year!
Exchange Student Loved RYLA Experience![]() At the January 27th meeting, Leticia Figueiroa (a Rotary exchange student living with Ron and Rebecca Finken), came prepared to share her RYLA experience with our club. She did an excellent job recounting her experience and fielded all questions from the audience with grace and humor.
Hear more RYLA stories on Tuesday, February 3rd and be proud of the positive effects of the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards program!
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards![]() Over 160 delegates from District 5490 (Central and Northwestern Arizona) descended on Prescott, AZ and Camp Pinerock for the annual RYLA weekend, traditionally held over the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend (1/17 to 1/19/2015).
High school students, primarily in their sophomore and junior years, are chosen for their leadership potential. Award winners, known as delegates, attend an all-expenses-paid camp to learn advanced leadership skills.
Our Assistant District Governor, Noel DeSousa, spearheaded this year's event, and recognized the following club members who were instrumental in RYLA's success: Lindsay Sherrard, Rex Townsend, and Ron Williams. Congratulations to all!
Boys to MenOur speaker of 1/13, Charles Matheus, spoke about the Boys to Men organization where adult males work with boys in the 13 to 18 year-old age range, teaching them life skills and behavioral skills. He requested two men for our Rotary Club to volunteer to assist during their Rite of Passage weekend. If you want more information or want to help out, contact Ron or Rebecca Finken ASAP. |
Rotarians to the Rescue!At the January 13th meeting, we heard from Mary Fusinski regarding a Native American named Damien who has spina bifida and is attending Yavapai College. Spina bifida (Latin: "split spine") is a developmental congenital disorder caused by the incomplete closing of the embryonic neural tube. Some vertebrae overlying the spinal cord are not fully formed and remain unfused and open. Damien arrived with very little money, and his coordinators are looking for donations of money or items he needs in order to see and hear better, access technology, and have clothing appropriate for the weather. Many Rotarians came forward and met some of his needs, and Mary reports additional items he could use. If you can help, call Mary at 928-239-0211 or email her at Thank you for your generosity! |
Annual Christmas Party, Gift Exchange & Angel Tree![]() The party will be held on Tuesday, December 16th at the Prescott Resort in the Verde Room. The event will start at 6:30 PM with socializing, and a bar will be set up in the room. Dinner will begin at 7PM. Menu choices are: Beef $28 per person Mani Mahi $25 per person Vegetarian $20 per person President Lindsay asks everyone to bring a small gift for a GIFT EXCHANGE at the party. It can be anything or any price - even a white elephant gift. Billie will be sending around a sign up sheet at the next meetings or you can email her with your attendance and food choices at: Salvation Army Angel Tree tags will be distributed soon, so sign up with Billie, then drop off gifts with Billie or at the Christmas Party. |
WHAT AN HONOR!![]() The President of Rotary International, Gary C. K. Huang, will be addressing our District's RYLA program delegates on Friday, January 16, 2015, at Camp Pinerock, 1400 Pine Drive, in Prescott AZ! This is an amazing opportunity to hear him speak in person- no cover charge, no registration required, no travel for local Rotarians. Guests should plan to arrive at Camp Pinerock between 5:30 and 6:15 PM and must check in with Visitor Registration near the entrance. If you want a speedier check-in, RSVP by email to Opening ceremonies will commence at 6:30. The Delegates will be involved in an outdoor challenge until approximately 7:15 PM during which time our visitors can be seated and socialize indoors.
We are still looking for a few good Volunteers to join us for a weekend that will change your life. Please go to WWW.RYLA5490.ORG to apply.
Rotary Foundation Day in Arizona Saturday, November 8thAll 3 Arizona Districts have agreed on a morning and afternoon program and activities that promise to grow our awareness of The Rotary Foundation. What a great opportunity! Attendees will have a rare opportunity to meet with representatives of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as well as The Rotary Foundation to discuss their collaboration on Polio Eradication and future efforts for doing good in the world. There will also be a program Rotary 101 for those who want to know the basics of the Foundation. Lunch is included with your registration. Registration and more information here:
Business of the Year - Nomination Deadline 10/1/14![]() At our last meeting Tim Wiederanders from the Prescott Sunup Club told us that they are going to honor a Business of the Year. Many area businesses may be deserving of this honor, but they can't win if they are not nominated! To qualify, a business would have: 1. made a significant contribution to the Prescott area in 2013-2014; 2. completed outstanding community involvement, volunteerism, service to and/or promotion of the community and/or its economic health or image - exemplifying Rotary's Four Way Test and the Rotary Business Code of Ethics; 3. made an outstanding contribution to the club and/or community. The business does NOT need to be a member of a Rotary Club. To nominate a deserving business, contact Tim at to get a nomination form. All nominations MUST BE RECEIVED by Wednesday, October 1st. |
Rotary Leadership Institute Coming Up Soon!Good news...beginning with this upcoming RLI, you will have 2 registration/payment mail/check, as before or online/credit card. REGISTER NOW and post October 11, 2014 on your calendar. The training is open to all District Rotarians regardless of their number of years in Rotary. Each club member is strongly encouraged to attend, if you have not already completed all 3 sessions.
WHAT: Rocky Mountain Rotary Leadership Institute
WHEN: Saturday, October 11, 2014
WHERE: Sheraton Crescent Hotel 2620 W Dunlap Ave Phoenix AZ 85021
For more information and to sign up for next month's session, go to: Questions should be directed to Kevin Pitts, RLI Coordinator at 928-713-2906 or email Kevin at .
Welcome President Lindsay Sherrard!July 1st marks the first meeting of the 2014-15 Rotary Year. Be sure to welcome our new President, President-Elect Rex Townsend, and the rest of the executive team members. Our Club just held a very successful fundraising event for the public school summer reading and math program, and we are looking forward to fun and fellowship on July 9th at our annual picnic, where we officially thank our 2013-14 President Noel DeSousa and honor the incoming Board members. We thank our leaders for their dedication, and look forward to another great year! |
Leadership Training in your own Backyard!The Rocky Mountain Rotary Leadership Institute for District 5490 will be held at Prescott College Crossroads Center, 220 Grove Avenue, Prescott, AZ on Saturday, June 14, 2014 from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM. This is an excellent opportunity for local Rotarians to learn about the leadership structure and how to help their clubs thrive, without incurring expensive travel costs! Choose 1 of 3 sessions: (1) Introduction to Rotary Leadership, (2) Rotary Leeadership in the Rotary Club, or "Rotary Leadership, Making a Difference." The cost is $60 and includes one session, continental breakfast, lunch, and all materials. Registration form and check must be received at least 10 days prior to course date. For more information, contact Kevin Pitts, |
GRAPES 4 GRADES SOCIAL PLANNING MEETING![]() The next social event is planned for Thursday, May 1st. The party will be held at Jane Bristol's house - an email will be sent soon with directions and details. Please let Jane know how many are attending. |
REGISTRATION OPEN FOR Grapes4Grades 2014!!Online registration for members, guests and sponsors is open for our Grapes4Grades fundraiser on June 22nd! Just go to our home page and look at the "Club Events" section in the upper left corner. Click on the "Buy Tickets or Sponsorships" link to bring up the registration form. If you are buying tickets as a club member, just sign into the website using your login and password. When you do, your name, address, etc., is automatically written into the appropriate field for quick registration. Be sure to fill out the guest section if you are bringing a guest. Just indicate on the form whether you will be mailing a check or paying by credit card, provided by a secure website. Sponsors may also fill out their information on the registration page, check the level of sponsorship desired, and how they intend to pay. By using the online registration, we can easily track sponsorships, be sure they get their event tickets, ensure we get their logos for inclusion in the program and/or event, and follow up on the collection of funds. I registered my husband and I tonight and it was quick and easy! If you have any questions, please let me know. Information about the event, which also has a link to the registration page, can be found in the upper left corner of the home page under the "Site Pages" section. Just click on "Grapes4Grades" to get all the info for this year's Mardi Gras themed event! |
Registration is now open for the 2014 District Training Assembly to be held on Saturday, April 26th in Prescott Valley. The purpose of the District Assembly is to equip club leaders, and members, as they prepare to Light Up Rotary in the upcoming 2014-2015 Rotary year.
This training event is ideal for club officers and board members, club committee chairs and members, and for all Rotarians. Attendees will hear a keynote address by the Chair of The Ethics Initiative, Roy Massey. Training breakout sessions will provide attendees with up to date information regarding Ethics; Financing Your Club; Membership Planning - Preparation, Attraction, Engagement; The Rotary Foundation 101; and Youth Services - Interact, Rotaract, RYLA, New Generations Exchange, and Youth Exchange. There will also be an opportunity for attendees to get their hands dirty, if they so choose, by helping to plant trees!
Register online, but pay at the door. Please review the flyer under "Download Files" on the home page for more details; register today at
WELCOME NEW MEMBER!The Board of Directors unanimously voted to accept Jake Carlson as a new member of our club. Jake was sponsored by Ken Lain and works for Wells Fargo Advisors as a Financial Advisor. Previously, Jake was a board member of the "Rock community center" in Phoenix, and is involved with his Church, supporting several missionaries around the world. Please make a point to introduce yourself to Jake at the next meeting. |
SPONSORS FOR GRAPES FOR GRADESMembers should be soliciting for sponsors for our major fundraiser ASAP. If you secured a sponsor in the past, please let them know the date of our event this year and if they will be able to supports us again. If you wait too long, we may miss the opportunity. Casey Knight has agreed to keep track of all sponsorships and auction donors. Be sure to let Casey know, either at a meeting or email through Clubrunner, if you are approaching a business so she can put that on her list. Casey has emailed the sponsorship information, and tracking list to all members. If you did not receive it, please let her know. |
EVERY ROTARIAN, EVERY YEARDo you know the power of the EREY concept? What could the Rotary Foundation do if every Rotarian contributed $100 minimum every year to the Rotary Foundation? Eradicate polio? More water projects? Starving children? Grants to our club? It's all possible if we each do our part. President Noel reminded us that we should all make this contribution every year. Our Club makes it practically painless by adding an optional charge of $25 to the quarterly billing. Currently, 23 of our 28 members are contributing to the cause. $25 in a 90-day period works out to only 28 CENTS per DAY. You will never get a BIGGER bang for your buck than that! If you are already contributing regularly ... be proud of what your contribution has meant to Rotary. If you are not contributing, please join us to make Prescott Frontier Rotary an "EREY" club and help change the world! |
Prescott Rotary Club FUNdraiserAt our last meeting, Kevin Pitts of the Friday Club invited all of us to participate in Cowboy Casino Night to be held at the Smoki Museum, 147 N. Arizona Street, in the Pueblo Room. This is a joint venture of the Prescott and Chino Valley Rotary Clubs, and proceeds will be split between the Chino Valley Reading Challenge and the Yavapai Food Bank. The cost is a mere $25, the date is February 8th, and the time is 6-9PM. There will be craps, roulette, black jack, and Texas hold 'em. There will be entertainment, sliders, and cool prizes for the big winners of the night. |
Congratulations to President Noel!The Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) – Rocky Mountain Division is a Multi-District training program established to substantially improve the Rotary knowledge and leadership skills of the future leaders of Rotary clubs and districts. All Rotarians are volunteers and benefit from increased knowledge of how Rotary works and enhanced leadership skills. The Rotary Leadership Institute training program consists of three full-day sessions, followed by graduate seminars. Trainers are carefully selected from among Rotarians with outstanding leadership abilities and prepared to conduct innovative and participatory course sessions. President Noel DeSousa has successfully completed this year's RLI sessions - congratulations, Noel! Reminder: the club may be able to subsidize the training costs to attend RLI. Just ask any Board member or attend the next Board meeting.
Find more information about RLI at: Leadership Institute.
RLI: Rotary Leadership Institute January 24, 2014
Rotary Leadership Institute - Sheraton Crescent Hotel, 2620 W Dunlap Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85021 RLI offers a leadership development program in three full-day sessions (Parts I, II, and III). The courses are designed to provide Rotary knowledge and develop leadership skills for voluntary organizations. Some examples of course sessions include:
If your club cares about its future, it will want the best leadership possible. This is an outstanding opportunity for each club to improve the Rotary knowledge of its key people, who will also be exposed to new ideas of leadership. The exchange of ideas with other experienced Rotarians alone makes the courses worthwhile.
The institute recommends that clubs nominate those Rotarians who appear to have the potential for club leadership, not necessarily as future presidents. They should preferably be at least 3-4 years away from a possible presidency or other key leadership post. Candidates should certainly have a strong interest in Rotary and be ready to be exposed to the larger world of Rotary. The Institute requests each club to nominate one or two Rotarians each year and to support previous nominees in completing Parts II and III.
The Institute believes in course sessions with as much discussion/participation as possible. Discussion breakout sessions are limited to approximately 10-15 persons. Lectures are strictly limited. Course methods include discussion groups, role-playing, problem solving workshops, creating projects and audiovisual presentations. Everyone participates during one of the Institute’s sessions. A course workbook containing an Institute Manual, session program agendas, faculty listings and course outlines and materials, is provided to each attendee.
YEAR END TAX CREDITSBe sure to receive the full effect of tax credits on your 2013 tax return ... but only if you act by December 31st!
2014 Polio Plus trip to Caborca, Mexico
District 5490 Rotarians,
UPDATE: All the open seats are filled, but we are now filling a Waiting List. Let Bill Chase know right away if you want to get a spot on the Waiting List. Email You don't pay until a seat opens up. Reserve your place on this Historic Trip! It's time again to begin planning for the 2014 Polio Plus trip to Caborca, Mexico. Again we will be participating with District 5320 from California and our neighbors in District 5500. The trip will held February 7-9, 2014. As in past years we will leave from the Buckeye Elks' Lodge on Friday, the 7th, after meeting and having lunch with the CA Rotarians, who will have been on the bus since sunup. We will return on Sunday afternoon to the Elks' Lodge, where all of us from 5490 will have left our cars in a secure lot for the weekend. SEATING IS LIMITED, so please send a check RIGHT AWAY for $175 made out to District 5490 with 2014 Polio Plus in the Memo space to Bill Chase, 2314 E Lamar Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85016. You can reach Bill at 602-571-6605 or
Along with your check, please include your email address, home and cell phone numbers, your club, your knowledge of Spanish, and whether you want a room by yourself or would like to share. If you register and later have to cancel, the person from the waiting list who takes your place will reimburse you. We will stay at Motel El Camino in Caborca, where rooms are about $55 per night. You can check them out at .
A CURRENT PASSPORT WILL BE REQUIRED TO BOARD THE BUS IN BUCKEYE! On Saturday morning, we will give oral drops to children 5 years old & under with supervision from Caborca hospital medical personnel. We will have dinner on Friday evening with the members of Rotario Caborca and they will also hold a fantastic lunch for us after the immunizations on Saturday in the beautiful fishing village of El Desemboque. Saturday evening Dinner will be at the Rotario Caborca club house. Sunday morning we will begin the return trip home with a brief stop just before the border for some shopping. More information will be sent out as we get closer to the trip date. We're looking forward to having you join us!
RYLA ROPES COURSE VOLUNTEERS - Sign up by this Friday!!!
RYLA Ropes Course Volunteers - there are few hoops you need to jump through in order to fulfill your dream of volunteering for RYLA.
1. You need to register as a RYLA volunteer.
2. You need to complete a background check.
3. You need to let President Noel know that you've done both, or you need to let him know if you are having problems with either and he will walk you through it.
4. You need to do these tasks ASAP, because the deadline for registering as a volunteer is Dec 20th.
5. And, THANK YOU!!!!!
Here's how to get started:
1. Registering as a volunteer for RYLA: NOTE: You will need to download a picture of yourself into the application. So first, make sure you have a picture to download from your computer. Then, Go to: Click on "Applications" Read and follow the directions.
NOTE: These directions and the applications are generic - for students, youth leaders and adult volunteers. If you think the information being asked for is too personal or confidential - especially on the page asking for medical information, just do what I did - fill in in a few "*****" and move on.
2. Background check: This is required, and - heads up - you do need to fill in all of the spaces, including your SS#. Go to: The password is "5490rye5490"
You should receive acknowledgements from a member of the RYLA committee that you have completed each form correctly. Thanks again, and don't for get to let Noel know when you have successfully completed these forms.
![]() |
Nominations for District Governor NomineeDuce Minor, District Governor, reminds us: It is time to submit nominations for candidates for the position of District Governor Nominee (to serve as District Governor 2016-2017). The selection process is very important to our district. Nominees should meet all requirements established by Rotary International and District 5490. I have attached the required nomination form. The deadline for nominations to be RECEIVED by the district is 5:00 p.m., January 24, 2014. Interviews will be scheduled for Saturday, January 25, 2014 in Phoenix. NOTE: The form can be found under Download Files in the lower right hand corner of our Home Page, if you need it.
The Brightside Project - 11/7/13The Brightside Project is a Substance Abuse Prevention program with separate presentations for students and parents on 11/7. It was targeted to Middle School students, the most vulnerable age for substance abuse. Thanks to Club members Noel DeSousa, Lindsay Sherrard and guest Brian Brecto, Dan Storvick, Jane Bristol and guest Doug Bristol for helping serve pizza, chips & salsa, drinks, and cookies. |
Feed My Starving Children Packing EventThanks to everyone who participated in and/or donated to this event. There was front-page coverage of the event complete with pictures that were a testament to our Rotary Clubs and our dedication to service above self. Congratulations all!
Board MeetingA Board Meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, October 9th at noon at the Prescott Chamber of Commerce. Board members, please confirm to President Noel that you can attend. |
Welcome New Member!Recently, Brad Clifford, Yavapai College Athletic Director, spoke to our club about their athletic program. We are happy to report that Brad submitted an application for membership, sponsored by Tom Gammill. The Board approved the application following the meeting of September 10th. Look for a new member installation very soon! |
Prescott Sunup Fundraiser Benefits Yarnell & Youth Substance Abuse PreventionPoker Run
Join Prescott Sunup Rotary on a
Wild West Adventure
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Bikes - Jeeps - Cars - Trikes
Scooters - Harleys - Honda’s
Anything with Wheels
Prizes - 50/50 Raffle - Fun
- Food by Macayo’s
Registration 7-10 am National Bank Plaza
Prescott, Arizona
(corner of Montezuma & Sheldon)
Proceeds to benefit
Yarnell Recovery Group
& Prescott Youth Substance Abuse Prevention
To participate or become a sponsor
please call Jim DeLatorre (928) 499-1930
or Mark Anderson (928) 778-3587
more info online at:
Mel ChamberlinI am sorry to report that Mel Chamberlin suffered a stroke last week, shortly after our Tuesday meeting. He was hospitalized, but is now recuperating at home in Prescott. Please send you prayers to Mel and Shirley as they cope with this unfortunate turn of events. Mel says he will be unable to continue with Frontier Rotary for the foreseeable future. To contact Mel, just log into our website with your username and password, and look up his contact information in the Member Directory. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Mel! |
Yarnell Relief Center UpdateThe United Way Donation Center for the victims of the Yarnell Fire is located behind Big Lots on Gail Gardner Way in Prescott.
They are still going strong. Not only are they still satisfying the daily and immediate needs of the Yarnell residents, they are also focused on the long term needs of the residents, especially those that lost their homes.
Here is the current list of the donations they need;
They also need, for longer terms needs (once people get their homes rebuilt)
The donation center is open at 10am Tuesday through Saturday (closed Sunday and Monday).
They still need VOLUNTEERS - whatever time you can give. They said it really lifts the spirits of the Yarnell residents when they come in and see members of the community there volunteering to help them.
They also need help from people who have a truck. If you have one (and who doesn't?), and can help, drop by the center and leave your phone number. They can then call you when someone wants to donate something big, but they need someone to go pick it up.
Please also see this website for the latest info - www.yarnellhillrecoverygroup.
A Call to ActionPhoenix, AZ - Arizona's 120 Rotary Clubs are employing their long-standing motto “Service Above Self” by undertaking an effort to pack 1 million meals for starving children around the world over the next year. To date we have packed 237,965 but on Saturday, August 24th, we are planning to pack 250,000 meals at a Mega Meals Packing event from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, at the Salvation Army Headquarters at 27th Street and Van Buren. We need 1,250 volunteers. So far we have just over 1,000 and are looking for more caring people to volunteer. If anyone is interested in joining us they can register by going on line to and follow the instructions. Feed My Starving Children. Founded in 1987, the Christian nonprofit provides complete nutritional meals for starving, malnourished and hungry people in nearly 70 countries. “Our club has chosen several projects to celebrate our 100th anniversary,” said Joe Prewitt, the club’s Centennial Chairman. “There are a number of great causes out there. However, I am unaware of any project that can help so many, so effectively, for so little. The cost of packaging and delivering this food is less than 25 ¢ a serving and provides enough nutrition to keep someone alive for one more day!”
The first Arizona Rotary club was chartered in 1914 and was the 100th Rotary club to be chartered in the world. The service organization provides opportunities for business networking and the Rotary tradition of “service above self.” More than 1.2 million business and professional leaders belong to more than 31,000 Rotary clubs located in 166 countries. Rotarians collaborate to provide humanitarian assistance and build goodwill and peace throughout the world.
Or simply join us for lunch. Phoenix Rotary 100 meets at 11:45 a.m. on Fridays at Phoenix Country Club.
Prescott-Frontier Donation to FirefightersREMEMBER: This is the last meeting in July for collections to help the Firefighter families and Yarnell residents. PLEASE BE AS GENEROUS AS YOU CAN! President Noel stated the following in an earlier email to members: "Donations to Benefit Firefighter Families: We collected over $700 this past Tuesday at our regular meeting. The 2013-2014 Prescott Frontier Rotary Board met briefly afterward to discuss how to disperse the money. We decided to forward all funds (fines, happy bucks, etc) collected during our meetings this month, July, toward this cause with a small portion going to support the animal shelters that assisted with evacuated pets and livestock. We will determine the specific charity organization(s) at a later date." NOTE: There is no meeting on July 9th or July 16th; therefore, please be as generous with Happy Bucks as you can for the July 23 and July 30 meetings. If you will be out of town and can do so, please mail in a check made payable to the Foundation so we can make a donation that is meaningful. |
DISTRICT 5490 ASSISTANCE IN PRESCOTTPDG Craig Wilson has called out to all District members to come to Prescott on Wednesday, July 31st to lend assistance to the United Way Donation Center. The donation center is located at 1260 Gail Gardner Way in the Village at the Boulders Shopping Center, BEHIND the Big Lots store (just drive around the back to find it). There are hand-made signs showing the way. The center has been receiving deliveries of goods every day and help is needed to sort and display the merchandise so needy residents can pick out what they need. Goods include food, clothing, personal hygiene items, bedding, linen, etc. They have also been receiving large donations of furniture, which necessitated another warehouse space in the same center. Tomorrow, the Daily Courier will be sending a photographer showing Rotarians at work from 10:30 AM to 4:00 PM, so if you can help, please do so at 10:30. Sign in at the volunteer desk and get to work! Wear your rotary shirts, hats, pins, whatever! Craig intends to load up several trucks with goods that can be delivered to Yarnell on their way back to the Valley for those who are unable to make the trip to Prescott. Please support this effort! We could have 15 volunteers or 50 - who knows? |
Conference Call TODAY to Benefit Firefighter FamiliesChuck Fitzgerald, District Governor Elect of Rotary District 5490 sends this message: "There are a number of efforts and conversations happening in the Rotary world regarding the Yarnell fire. The families who lost their loved ones, and the families who lost their homes are on the minds and in the hearts of Rotarians - both near and far. I have spoken to several Rotarians who are already doing great things, and several who are wondering what to do.
District Governor Duce Minor will soon return from his RI Convention trip to Europe, and so in his absence I'd like to offer my assistance by convening and facilitating a brief conversation on how we as club and district leaders might call the rest of the Rotary world to this tragedy. This is particularly important for Rotarians outside of the Yavapai County area who are looking to offer their assistance.
Here is the dial-in information for our call:
Monday, July 8, 2013
4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Access Code - 1027360# -end of message- All interested parties are invited to be on this call. |
Prescott Frontier Days Parade NewsThe Past President of the Rotary Club of Zeitz, Germany, Andreas Roesler, sends his gratitude for the experience of walking in Prescott's biggest parade during its most important event of the year. This was the family's first experience ever being in a parade, especially being guests of honor. Afterward, they went to the parade party and were able to watch the rest of it in comfort. Many many thanks for Margo Christensen of Residence Inn/SpringHill Suites for being their hosts, contributing 1,000 lollipops for the children, and taking them all over the state! Kudos to Ron Williams of Nastow Towing for use of his truck, bringing a United States flag from 1814 with 15 stars and 15 stripes, and making sure our guests were comfortable atop those 15 bales of straw from Steve Sischka of Olsen's Grain! Rotarians who walked in the parade were Margo, dressed in traditional German garb, Jane and Doug Bristol, Ron and Barbara Williams and their granddaughter, President Noel DeSousa, and several Rotarians from the Prescott Sunup Club. Please accept my apologies if I missed anyone! Thanks to Margo, Councilman Chris Kuknyo, and others from the Prescott-Zeitz Sister City Committee, the Roesler family has had a wonderful week:
Meeting Tuesday - Invite a Prospective Member!!July 2, 2013: We are honored today to welcome Andreas Rosler, the Immediate Past President of the Rotary Club of Zeitz, Germany, his wife Sieglund, and his two children, as guests of Margo Christensen. Herr Rosler is visiting our city this week to experience the World's Oldest Rodeo and is our guest of honor on a parade float featuring the new Prescott/Zeitz Sister City Association and other area sightseeing. Our speaker today is John Mactin, Area Leader for Young Life. Young Life is an organization of adults concerned enough about kids to go to them, on their turf and in their culture, building bridges of authentic friendship. These relationships don't happen overnight — they take time, patience, trust and consistency. Young Life leaders log many hours with kids around the world — where they are, as they are. Leaders faithfully attend football practices in the Minneapolis suburbs, mingle with teenagers at a mall in Stockholm and play pick-up soccer with former child-soldiers in Liberia. We listen to their stories and learn what’s important to them because we genuinely care about their joys, triumphs, heartaches and setbacks. For more information, go to |
Duty RosterPLEASE BE SURE TO CHECK THE WEBSITE EVERY TUESDAY TO SEE IF YOU HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED A DUTY! The duty roster for Tuesday, June 18 appears below. If you cannot attend the meeting, please get a replacement. Tickets: Steve Meyers Greeter: Margo Christensen Sgt-at-Arms: Tom Reilly Reporter: Walt Hammond REPORTER: BE SURE TO EMAIL YOUR NOTES ASAP TO: WALT HAMMOND @ |
Congratulations!What an excellent Grapes4Grades event we had yesterday! Of course, there are a few things that could have gone better, but overall, I received very positive comments from our guests. Thanks to all our hard working members and spouses for your diligence, energy, enthusiasm, and attention to detail. Special thanks go out to those Rotarians in charge of specific tasks: Noel DeSousa: Chair and Emcee, program design, auctioneer procurement, etc., etc., etc. Rebecca Finken: Silent and Live Auction Items Suzanne Springer: Event layout, tables, chairs, banner hanger extraordinaire, and auction helper. She was everywhere! Billie Hutchison and crew: Registration, ticket sales Dave Maurer: Food Ron Williams: Wine purveyor and salesman! Kranny Spaeth: Sponsors Steve Meyers: Music Although everyone helped with details and event setup/tear down, these members worked for months leading up to the event. Great job, everyone!!
Board Meeting June 19There will be a Board Meeting on Wednesday, June 19th at Noon at the Prescott Chamber of Commerce upstairs conference room. If you have not already done so, please RSVP your attendance to Jane Bristol. |
Summer Reading Program - Readers Needed!This year's summer program starts tomorrow and we have several openings for readers. It is held at Miller Valley School - park on the north side of the building across from Hastings and enter door on the Northeast corner. Here is what we have available: Friday, 6/14 - Read Anytime between 10:15 to 11:30.
Tuesday, June 18 - Read Anytime between 10:15 and 11:30
Wednesday, June 19 - Read Anytime between 10:15 and 11:30
Thursday, June 20 - 8:15 am only due to library field trips
Monday, June 24 - Read Anytime between 8:15 and 9:25
Tuesday, June 25 - Read Anytime between 10:15 and 11:30
Thursday, June 27 - 8:15 am only due to library field trips.
As you know, this is a rewarding interaction with our youth, and can be enjoyed by friends and family, too. You can also specify a grade level; for example, K-2 or 3-5. Let me know if any of these opportunities work for you or your family/friends.
PRESCOTT FRONTIER DAYS PARADE FLOATMargo Christensen has generously donated a parade entry for Saturday, July 6th to Rotary and the Prescott-Zeitz Sister City Committee. Andreas Rosler, the Rotary President from Zeitz will be visiting Prescott during the rodeo. Thank you to the following volunteers: Lindsay, Suzanne, Jane, Noel, and Rex!! We already have a donated truck and trailer, so we are ready to start working! You will receive an email the week of June 3rd with date/time for 1st meeting. |
Honoring Scholastic AchievementToday, May 28, we have the pleasure of awarding $300 scholarships to 4 area high school students with an award we call, "Scholastic Athlete of the Year." These young people (1 male and 1 female from both Prescott High and Tri-City Prep) are chosen by their counselors for significant scholastic improvement in the current school year. We believe this achievement is as important as any honor won in the world of high school sports. Let's help them and their families enjoy the fellowship of Rotary. |
Board Meeting May 8thThe Board of Directors will meet on Wednesday, May 8th, at noon at the Prescott Chamber of Commerce. All members are welcome; however, please RSVP to Jane if you want to attend so we have enough refreshments. |
April 30 - Most Improved StudentsOnce again, Walt Hammond will honor the Most Improved Students of the Quarter for area high schools. Please welcome them and their family to our club and celebrate their success! |
Prescott-Frontier Rotary Club in the News!
When you download and read the District 5490 newsletter that was emailed to you recently, look for an article about our Club Visioning process! We rock!
Grapes4Grades Social and Planning MeetingThe next planning meeting for G4G is Thursday, April 18th, 6:00 PM. Ron Williams and wife Barbara are opening their home at 880 Upper Sky Terrace in Prescott. Please let Ron know if you are attending and see him for directions. We are only 2 months away from our event and much needs to be accomplished! |
District Assembly - April 6thPresident Jane and her husband Doug attended District Assembly on Saturday, April 6th, along with President-Elect Noel DeSousa. Phoenix 100 Club has a goal of providing 1 million meals by their 100th club anniversary in 2014. Most of the meals go overseas to Haiti or other third world countries where starvation and famine are a common problem. The meals are powdered and include rice, soy protein, chicken flavoring, and nutritious vitamin and mineral supplements. After the district assembly, the attendees, along with the Interact Club at Washington High School, packed just shy of 30,000 meals in about 2 hours! This program may be brought to Prescott in the near future, so stay tuned.
HOST FAMILIES NEEDED IN MAY - PLEASE HELPA GSE team from Bremen, Germany is arriving in Arizona on May 8th and stays until the District Conference. We have been asked to provide a host family for Thorge Takenberg (2nd from the right in picture), who is a Real Estate Manager. He is 27 years old and single. His vocational responsibilities include internet connections. In his leisure time, Thorge wants to sightsee; meet interesting people; get to know some sports; be outdoors hiking, climbing, or hunting; and sample some typical local food. Host families need to provide the following, if possible:
NOTE: If you cannot provide transportation, others will be able to fill in as needed. It is most important to provide a home stay and a few meals that are not otherwise provided (at Rotary meetings, for example). Expenses to be funded by the 5 Prescott-area clubs are (2) lunches if not provided by vocational visit and miscellaneous unexpected expenses, so your out of pocket would involve the evening meal and breakfast, unless otherwise provided at rotary meetings. |
Happy Anniversary, Rotary International!!The world's first service club, the Rotary Club of Chicago, was formed on 23 February 1905 by Paul P. Harris, an attorney who wished to capture in a professional club the same friendly spirit he had felt in the small towns of his youth. The Rotary name derived from the early practice of rotating meetings among members' offices. Rotary's popularity spread, and within a decade, clubs were chartered from San Francisco to New York to Winnipeg, Canada. By 1921, Rotary clubs had been formed on six continents. The organization adopted the Rotary International name a year later. As Rotary grew, its mission expanded beyond serving club members’ professional and social interests. Rotarians began pooling their resources and contributing their talents to help serve communities in need. The organization's dedication to this ideal is best expressed in its motto: Service Above Self. |
Time Magazine Story, "The War Over Polio"Lest we forget, this story in TIME Magazine (read it here) gives an excellent overview of why it is important to finish the job of stamping out polio world wide. The article was written on January 3 of this year and is succinct. It will take a couple of minutes to read, but will give you a reason for why we are pursuing polio to the bitter end; even in the face of the recent killings of polio workers in Pakistan, by the Taliban. Please contact me for any questions. Mark Anderson
If you cannot open the above link, copy and paste the following address into your browser: |
Board MeetingAll officers and chairpersons are asked to attend a Board Meeting on Wednesday, February 13th at the Prescott Chamber of Commerce. If you have not indicated your attendance, please let President Jane know ASAP so she can order enough lunch. We have much to discuss including Club Assembly on 2/26, so please join us! |
Raffle Pot Now Stands at $570!!![]() Be sure to buy plenty of tickets this week! With only a few cards remaining in the deck, the chances of drawing the Ace of Spades are getting better and better. Tickets are a bargain at 3 for $2. BUY EARLY AND OFTEN :) Raffle proceeds are used for programs such as Most Improved Student, Student Athlete of the Year, a Prescott Center for the Arts music scholarship, sending delegates to PETS (leadership training for officers, and much more. |
Club VisioningThe first club meeting was a Visioning Session on Saturday, January 12th, facilitated by District 5490 volunteers. The commitment to Rotary and enthusiasm for our club was amazing! We learned we were all on the same page when we looked out five years from now and envisioned what our club would look like and what we would be accomplishing. Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, February 26 for a Club Assembly to review and discuss the results of that visioning session.
Upcoming EventsThis section will be devoted to fundraisers and events for our area clubs. Check this space often for new events that benefit our local communities. |
Congratulations to New Club Leaders!At our business meeting of December 18th, the membership approved the following slate of officers and committee chairs for the 2013-2014 Rotary Year. The will formally take office on July 1, 2013. OFFICERS: President: Noel DeSousa President-Elect: Lindsay Sherrard Immediate Past President: Jane Bristol Secretary: Mike Hannan Treasurer: Rise Plimley COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Club Administration: Billie Powell Membership: Ron Williams Public Relations: Suzanne Springer Service Projects: Rex Townsend Rotary Foundation: Walt Hammond RYLA: Steve Meyers
Inbound GSE Committee Members NeededWe need one person who will be our representative on the local area GSE committee to plan the 3-day visit for the Inbound Group Study Exchange participates from Bremen, Germany. This committee will set up the vocational visits, host families, and entertainment for the team's visit. The group includes two bankers, one health insurance executive, and a real estate manager. You would be working as part of a local team to make arrangements for our fellow Rotarians. Please email Jane Bristol immediately with your interest in serving. |
Club Service Project - Salvation Army![]() Noel DeSousa did an excellent job organizing this club service project on Saturday, December 15th, in front of the Wal-Mart on Gail Gardner Way in Prescott. Thanks, Noel, and to everyone who was able to participate and put service above self! The few inches of snow we received made everyone feel a little merrier and we collected some much-needed funds for those in need this Christmas season. |
Annual Christmas PartyWe had a wonderful Christmas Party at the Prescott Resort, and most everyone participated in the service project of helping those in need by completing the wishes of a child on the Salvation Army Angel Tree. Thank you for your service! Huge thanks to Billie Powell Hutchinson for all the work she and Craig did to make this party exceptional, particularly when we had to change venues from the Hassayampa Inn with little time to plan. As always Billie goes over and above for our club and took charge of the Angel Tree tag distribution, collecting the gifts, and turning them in to Salvation Army. When you see Billie, please remember to give her a heartfelt thanks for all the work she does for our club!! Again, for everyone who participated in the service project, we appreciate and thank you! |
LAST MEETING OF THE YEAR!Our last meeting of 2012 will be a mixture of business and pleasure. The business will be election of officers for the 2013-14 Rotary Year. President-Elect Noel DeSousa will present the slate of officers to those present for approval. The pleasure will be our program of Who Am I? One of our most fascinating members will tell us about himself: Reverend Dan Storvick! And the bonus is the 50/50 raffle drawing! The pot is in the neighborhood of $510, so buy early and often :) REMINDER: No meetings on 12/25, 1/1, or 1/8!! Our next meeting will be the Club Visioning Meeting on Saturday, January 12th, at the Residence Inn. Please attend this important meeting and chart the course for our club's future! Doug and I wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas, and good fortune in 2013!! |
Hurrican Sandy UpdateThis email was received last night from the Goodyear White Tanks Rotary Club regarding the effects of the hurricane in NY and NJ. As usual, our Rotarians are on top of the situation and have provided an excellent assessment as to the needs in the Rotary districts affected: "In general, most of the flood waters in the area have subsided, but about 50% of us still have no power and may not get it back before the end of the week. Mass transit is slowly returning to the area, and roads are being cleared. Unfortunately, the U.S. Weather Service is forecasting another severe storm fir Wednesday, which may eradicate any progress. But many people, including Rotarians, lost their homes and businesses, and some even lost their lives. With the power still out, there is still danger from overexposure to carbon monoxide fumes from generators and propane tanks, and from freezing without heat. Many Rotary districts and clubs , as well as other organizations, are already on their way with donated supplies. At least four trucks are already on their way. Here are items needed NOW by people in shelters throughout the area: Clothing |
Membership Orientation Meeting Tonight!President-Elect Noel DeSousa will host the next membership orientation meeting TONIGHT 10/29 from 6 to 8 pm at 603 Thunderbird Drive in Prescott. Please bring your favorite beverage, although soft drinks, fruit juice, ice tea, and beer will be available. Food will be provided. The topics for this session will be:
This fun, educational series is more of a social occasion geared toward new members, with input needed from long-term members as well. It's a great opportunity to network in a relaxed setting and share our Rotary knowledge with each other. Spouses/significant others are welcome! |
Rotary Group Study Exchange to Germany 2013
Prescott-area Rotary Clubs are seeking candidates for the 2013 GSE to Bremen, Germany May 27-June 30, 2013. All travel expenses are covered by Rotary International. Lodging, meals and local travel provided by local German Rotarian hosts.
The Group Study Exchange supports vocational development and promotes International goodwill and understanding. For more information, call or email Mike King at 928-925-3645/ Mandatory interview day is Saturday, October 27th. |
Committee Chair Needed!
Our Club needs someone to step forward and chair the Rotary Foundation Committee for the 2012-2013 year. Our current chair, Bill Baker, needs to step down. Here are suggested duties for this committee.
If anyone is interested in this leadership opportunity, please see President Jane.
Membership Orientation Meeting Very Successful!
The Finken residence was the site of the first New Member Orientation Meeting last week. Many thanks to Ron and Rebecca Finken, Ron Williams, and Noel DeSousa for their work putting this event together. Noel presented slides covering the Object of Rotary, the causes our club supports, and the various committees available to members.
New members Margo Christensen, Lindsay Sherrard, David Lewerke, Rex Townsend, Casey Knight attended. "Seasoned" members Jane Bristol, Ron Finken, Steve Meyers, Walt Hammond, Mike Hannan, Jim Clemens were also there (The reporter may have left a few people out and if so, apologizes profusely!). A second session will be held at a later date covering different information, and all are invited to attend. |
The Prescott Lions Sunrise and Evening Clubs are organizing a Charity Golf Tournament that is very unique! Teams play "best ball" on the South Course of Antelope Hills Golf Course. Greens fees are $50 plus at least $50 "choose your favorite charity" contribution. All contributions qualify for the State of Arizona Working Poor Tax Credit and can be claimed on the golfer's state tax return as a dollar-for-dollar tax credit for qualifying individuals. All contributions received by the Tournament and auctions remain "local."
This is a unique opportunity to join with other service clubs in our area to fund favorite charity projects. Those who participate may be able to get additional support for Frontier Rotary's community projects. PRESIDENT JANE IS LOOKING FOR 3 OTHER GOLFERS TO FORM A TEAM WHO WILL GOLF FOR THE PUSD READING PROGRAM. LET HER KNOW IF YOU'D LIKE TO PARTICIPATE. OTHER TEAMS ARE WELCOME WHO MIGHT WANT TO BENEFIT HUNGRY KIDS, POLIO PLUS, OR OTHER CHARITIES. DON'T FORGET, YOUR TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATION IS IN ADDITION TO THE NON-PROFIT TAX DEDUCTION! |
Volunteers are needed in our schools to help in this period of budget shortfalls. We will be giving out information on what tasks are needed for volunteers, fingerprinting for those who plan on volunteering, and other information!
Even if you don't want to be fingerprinted to volunteer, Prescott Sunup Rotary needs help at the event, so please come and lend a hand! DATE: Thursday, August 23rd TIME: 4-7 pm WHERE: Esther Hall at the United Methodist Church 505 W. Gurley Street Prescott, AZ 86301 FOOD CATERED BY MACAYO'S!! SEE ATTACHED FLYER |
New Meeting Location!Attention Members! Our Club is now meeting at Plaza Bonita, directly adjacent to the Prescottonian Hotel on East Gurley Street. |
Congratulations to the following members:
1. Billie Powell Hutchison - Billie received a Multiple Paul Harris Award with a blue sapphire from District Governor Craig Wilson at the July 24th meeting, recognizing her generous gifts to the Rotary Foundation. 2. New member David Lewerke was inducted on July 24th as the first new member of the 2012-13 Rotary Year. Congratulations, David! 3. Ron Williams, who sponsored David as a new member, was honored by President Jane with the new Membership Sponsor Pin from District 5490. RI Director Ken Boyd asked the District to distribute the pin to the very first sponsor of a new member in each club for the new year. Congratulations, Ron! You too can receive a Membership Sponsor Pin for sponsoring a new member into our Club. See Membership Chair Ron Williams for more info. |
Club Picnic Photos Online!
Thanks to Kranny Spaeth, Homer Willard, and Mike Hannan, we have some great pictures of our Club Picnic held at American Ranch on July 18, 2012. Just go to the homepage at Home Page, and directly under the "Welcome to our Club" section, you will find "Photo Journals." The first choice is "Club Picnic 2012," so just click on that to see all the pictures.
Grapes4Grades a Huge Success!Thanks to months of planning and lots of last-minute details, our annual Wine-tasting and Auction was a resounding success! It was truly an honor to have our District Governor Craig Wilson and his wife Mary at our event, and they stayed for a long time before heading back to the valley.
Everyone pitched in, with many Rotarians helping to set up in the early afternoon and staying until well after the event to get everything cleaned up. We may not have an exact total of revenue to give you at our meeting Tuesday, but we should be able to share some preliminary results. I can't possibly start naming people to thank because surely I will miss someone, but to those of you who gave 110% on Sunday, THANK YOU! Here is a picture of President Ron Finken distributing the proceeds to Kris Foster, administrator of the Rotary Summer Reading and Math Program. |
February is ...World Understanding Month! |
Annual Frontier Rotary Picnic Pictures are Here!The Annual Picnic was held at the beautifully scenic American Ranch on July 14, 2011. The pictures from that event have finally been downloaded and the link appears on the home page,, on the right hand side under "Photo Journals." Unfortunately, we did not get a photograph of everyone who attended, including many who were working hard to prepare and set up the food. Our photographer, Mike Hannan, is also conspicuously absent! However, it was a lovely day and the great food and fellowship really made it a winner! It was great to see everyone there. Every attempt was made to correctly identify those in the pictures; however, we are only human! If you see anything that needs correction, please email the webmaster at |
Successful Fundraiser at Watters Garden Center!
Walt Hammond, Treasurer, reported a net over $17,000 from our recent "Grapes 4 Grades" fundraiser at Watters Garden Center. To see pictures of this event, look at the right-hand column of the home page for "Photo Journals" and the Wine Tasting 2011 is at the bottom of the list. If you would like to direct any non-members to our website to view their pictures, please do! Anyone can view pictures on the website,, without signing in as a member.
Resignation Letter of Tammy Linn
Tammy has been an active member of our Rotary Club, (especially at RYLA and our winetasting event) until recent months, when the demands of her Prescott City Council position became too much. She submitted the following letter to all of us, since she is moving to North Dakota soon. All of us in Rotary thank her for her service wish her well! Her email for a short time is
Update on Billie
Billie saw one of the top orthopedic surgeons in Arizona and will be having surgery on her left arm on Wednesday, 7/20, about 5:00 PM at Banner Hospital in Mesa. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers as she goes through a difficult recovery.
Get Well Soon, Billie!Billie Powell was recently honored as Rotarian of the Year, and she needs our help! After the annual picnic on July 14th, she and husband Craig had an accident involving a deer on Williamson Valley Road. She injured her arm quite severely and will be out of action for awhile. They are headed to Phoenix to see an orthopedic surgeon and she may have an operation in the future depending on his assessment. Please keep Billie in your thoughts and prayers as she deals with the pain and uncertainty surrounding her injury. I'm sure she would enjoy hearing from you via mail at 225 Seville Place, Prescott, AZ 86303. |
Grapes for Grades Party and Meeting
With only a month remaining before our fundraising event, it is imperative that we all pull together to make this the best event ever!
Ever Wanted to Visit India? Now You Can!
FROM: Jennette Bill, Rotary Club of Sedona, e-mail:, phone: 928-301-1363
We all enjoyed our GSE friends from Bangalore, India when they visited 1 year ago and so have put together a 2 week trip that includes 4 days and 3 home-stay nights in Bangalore along with seeing the famous and wonderful sights of India. We have 3 Rotarians and their spouses currently making deposits to secure current air fare pricing and want to make this wonderful opportunity available to other Rotarians and their spouses. Any trip to India is an adventure but this one, with the opportunity to actually stay in homes and enjoy the people, will be a special trip! Let me know if you are interested! The trip leaves January 31 and returns February 13, 2012. Find more information at < http://www.easytoursofindia. |
News from the Webmaster
Last week I attended a Webinar from Clubrunner about an exciting new venture called OneRotary. This initiative will synchronize the database stored in Clubrunner with the database at Rotary International. What does this mean for our club?
Next Grapes4Grades Social MeetingThe next social/planning meeting is Thursday, June 6 at 6 pm at Jim Simon's house. This is our last meeting before the event, so please plan to attend. |
HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!As you remember those who served and died to protect our freedoms, don't forget that tomorrow is Tuesday and that means Rotary will meet once again! Are you remembering someone important to you who was a veteran? My dad served in the Army during WWII for a short period of time, but he spent a significant part of his life in the Color Guard at local Memorial Day parades, was a proud member of the VFW, visited veterans in hospitals and helped them earn their benefits. He was a frequent attendee at veteran funerals and always had words of comfort for the families. His service was an inspiration to me and although he was never a Rotarian, he embodied the words, "Service Above Self." |
Membership Drive
Acting President, Ron Finken, reminds everyone that if each member of our club can bring in a new member, we could double our membership! Please look around you for a worthy candidate and bring them to a meeting.
Rotarians Needed!
Group Study Exchange Team Leaders & Alternate Team Leaders Needed for 2012. See details in the "Downloads" section of our home page (lower right).
Having Trouble Getting to the Meeting
For all you busy corporate types (Tim Barnett!), if you can't represent your organization at Rotary meetings, the simple solution is to change your membership from a single member to a corporate member!
Club Action Taken
Last week, Mark from Sunup Club explained that the Prescott-area clubs (except Frontier) had agreed to pledge funds to apply for a Simplied Grant from District.
Results of Wine Tasting Event
Ron Williams reported on the results of the wine tasting event in July that funds the Prescott Unified School District Summer Reading and Math Clinic.